Tuesday 10 January 2012

Colour Scheme

I agreed with the results I obtained from asking some people from my target audience what colour scheme looks most effective on a music magazine so I will be using a dark, plain colour scheme which includes one bright colour.

I did further research into which colour this should be and noticed that alot of music magazines, most being rock, include the colour red and so I would like to use something different. I want to ensure it doesn't look too rocky otherwise it may not appeal to people who like pop.

I concluded that to be unique, yellow would be a good colour; this is already used in some gossip magazines but this way, it is both unisex and already partly relates to the gossip and fashion side of the magazine as well as being more of a pop style to add in with the darker rock colours.

Music Artists

In my questionnaire, I asked my target audience what their favourite artists were so that I could decide who I would feature in my magazine. I would research these celebrities so that I could follow their newest music, fashion and gossip associated with them so that it may interest their fans and make them want to buy their magazine to keep up to date with their favourite singer/bands latest news and photos.
I found out that the most popular pop artists were Beyonce, Rihanna and Katy Perry, and in rock it was Foo Fighters, I will be doing more questionnaires to find out more popular rock bands for my target audience.

Questionnaire Results

After doing my questionnaire, I concluded that the majority of people between 12 and 27 like pop music. The second most popular was rock, so these are the two genres I will focus my magazine on.

To include the opinions of both people who like rock and those who like pop, I will include some dark colours to aquire the interest of rock lovers but also one bright colour to add some pop into the style of the magazine.

More than 50% of my target audience said that fashion insterests them the most in a magazine article so I am going to ensure this is what I focus on, although I will include the others as these were still chosen by some people.

Monday 9 January 2012

Publication Plan CHANGES

Name of magazine: They
Positioning statement: “What they sing, what they do, what they wear.. keep up with your favourite music artists"

After I realised that the words "blend" and "variate" only suggest a mixture of song genres and don't include the focus on fashion, I re-thought what the magazine should be called that would explain that it was going to be about the artists in general, everything around the music included.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Publication Plan

Name of magazine: Eclect/ blend/ VARY8
Positioning statement: “No matter what music, the magazine that matters”
Frequency of publication: Every 2 weeks to show update in charts and new songs
Distribution: Anywhere, easy to get hold of
Rationale: (what is the thinking behind the magazine - have you identified a gap in the market?)
Meets the needs of people who are between genres and can’t choose between rock and pop magazines
Style: Messy, lively, young (up to date style), simple, bright
Regular content: Charts, lyrics to song at number featuring photos of artist,
Fashion tips from someone in the charts- favorite shops/item of clothing
Feature content in your issue: Photoshoot with female singer after her song goes to number one with lyrics
House style: what font will you use? will it be the same for articles/headings/captions?
Black background (dark), white writing, yellow details and highlighting.
To make it look messy, I will include more than one font, using something similar to the font that I write the magazine name in for main points (e.g. artist names/ big events)