Tuesday 3 April 2012

What have I learnt from my preliminary task?

After struggling to make layout of the front cover of my school magazine look professional, I realised it was becuase I had taken the wrong kind of pictures. Where I had a landscape picture with the focus all the way across leaving only space above and below, it made my magazine look alot less like a real life product as most magazines have text down either side of the photo which I couldn't do with the photo I had taken. Although this left a good amount of space where I could put part of an article at the bottom, which is a convention of a school magazine, it does not suit the purpose of my music magazine and so from this I knew that I would have to take my photos keeping in mind it needs to be portrait, taking up the whole page and leaving space either side of the model for headlines.

On the contents page I found it hard to fill up white space, I used alot of shapes and colours which made the page fuller but also more childish and although this meant it suited its purpose of being a school magazine, it was not the right way to fill space in a music magazine and so instead I decided that the most successful way to take up the page will be to again take a photo that fills the whole page and to include the text in spaces beside the model in the photo where the back ground would be faily plain.

I realised that font was an important way to set the tone for the magazine; if it's too plain it looks formal and business-like, if it's too curly and pretty it looks childish. For my music magazine I used a simple font but included a variation of colours and sizes to make sure it didn't look too plain and had some amount of fun and liveliness.

I think that planning the layout before I started preparation for my music magazine, so that I knew exactly what photos to take and what text I would need, was the best way to make sure it ended up working and looking professional.

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