Tuesday 17 April 2012

What have I learnt about technologies from constructing my product?

When manipulating my photos to get the effect I wanted, I realised how much photoshop can completely change a picture. I managed to not only make my model clearer, brighter, and air brushed in all of the pictures to add a professional look to my photography, I completely changed the backgrounds to the colours I wanted and hid the background and imperfections on the backdrop to ensure maximum focus on the model and making sure it looks professional.

I also attempted to hide the shadow by moving around the lighting. The lights I used in my photoshoot changed the photos completely compared to my trail pictures I had taken before without them. The colours were alot clearer with the lights and it looked a lot more professional.
By having the light at different angles it also created different effects; having the light from below shining up on her face made the picture look spooky and made her pose look evil. By having it from above it looked like sun was shining on her and that she was outside. I used pictures where the light was directly on her face as I wanted it to look intense and to show her in the spotlight; the focus of the photo.

Although at first I struggled to get used to InDesign, I realised that it was the most suitable software for designing my magazine as the functions incuded tools for text and a large variety of options around it, ways of moving images and shapes and layering them however you want.
I enjoyed using this programme, and although I couldn't put my magazine name behind my model's head, I found an effect I could not have acheived anywhere else; where the text curves up the models leg on my contents page.

Blogger has allowed me to explain in detail the thought and improvements that went into making my magazine. I have been able to show my origional ideas and how my research has changed it to look so much better now and what research my inspiration has come from. By being able to include Prezi presentations and powerpoint slides through SlideShare, I was able to show visually my ideas and though processes through the creating of my magazine and makes my whole blog alot more varied and funner to read.

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