Tuesday 17 April 2012

How did I attract my target audience?

(Between 15-27 years old
Interested in a variety of music genres
Interested in fashion)

When you first see my front cover, does it look like a magazine you would pick up off a shelf in a shop?
CHLOE (16): I think the magazine looks really trendy and modern. I'd probably be first of all attracted to it because you can tell by the clothes the model is wearing that it is going to have something to do with fashion in there and I like reading about fashion when I get magazines.
LOUISE (20): The way the model's standing looks really professional, I don't like magazines with papparrazzi photos on the front cover because you can tell it's a gossip magazine and is normally full of lies but this one you can tell is about clothes and the people in it because it has a music artist as the focus of the page.
JOE (18): Even though there's a girl on the front I would still want to buy this magazine because it's not girly and you can tell it's for boys aswell because of the colours.. if anything the girl makes me want to buy it more! She looks like a model so I know it's going to be about clothes and all the headines are about either fashion or music, which are my two fav' things!

What do you like about my contents page? Does it support your origional opinion of the magazine?
CHLOE: Because you can see that she is wearing different clothes it looks professional, as if it was a photoshoot with loads of clothes and also still makes me think it's to do with fashion. Even the pose makes her look like a fashion model but because its a photo of a singer, it still looks clearly like a music magazine.
LOUISE: I like the layout of this page, all the bit coloured numbers and white text makes the page look modern and is really easy to read. It still looks like a music magazine because you can see all the headlines about festivals and cocerts but also about fashion and even though you can't see much of her outfit, her pose makes her look like a catwalk model.
JOE: I don't think this looks like a normal contents page, they normally have a square picture and then the writing goes down the side, but this looks alot less boring. The numbers stand out and match the colour of the model's top and I think the page generally just looks really professional and modern.

Do you think my double page article suits my music magazine?
CHLOE: I like that the background is green which is a a different colour to the theme of the magazine because it makes it stand out and shows that this page is more about the artist that the magazine; like this is HER page. She also looks less "modelly" in the pictures on this page because she is smiling and more casual as if she's just relaxing and being herself in this article.
LOUISE: She looks really proud in her photos, like she likes what she's doing so looks like a genuine music artist and making the article look more interesting rather than someone who's vain. Having her take up a whole page makes it clear what the article is about and is almost like it's revealing, seeing her up close and like you're going to find out about her personally.
JOE: The little fact box adds interest to this article, its something you could easily read as you flick through the pages and is interesting so might make someone actually want to read the rest of the article, people always like finding out secrets and personal things about celebrities. Green is a really good colour because it's bright and happy and goes with the photos because she looks happy too.

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