Tuesday 20 March 2012

Final Contents

After playing around with my main photo for the contents page, I realised I was right to change my idea from having a square photo with text around it to the layout like Mojo where the text was tight around the model's body as it was easier to fill the page and stop it from looking empty and boring.
I didn't use Top of the Pops' idea of having separate categories on my contents page in the end as it was hard to distinguish between the different sections without making the page look too busy and hard to read and understand.
I tried to include as many pages as possible but did also use NME's idea of having some pages bigger, more important, than others on the contents page as it made it less boring and plain.

I am pleased with the way my contents page has turned out as I have improved it by adding more pictures after realising there wasn't alot of colour and continually rearraanged my texxt to ensure it suitably surrounded my model. I think it now looks proffessional and effective and meets my origional aim to have a fashionable music magazine that had a messy look. I think this works well in my final draft.

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