Saturday 24 March 2012


I needed 4 main pictures when I went into the photoshoot; front cover, contents and 2 for my double page spread.

Knowing that I needed a midshot of my model for the front page I experimented with different poses which I thought would look most effective on the cover of a magazine- it was going to have text tightly fitted around it and the colour look good with the colour of the text and yellow masthead.
I chose green for my model to wear as I thought it was bold and neither blends in nor clashes with the yellow theme.
I tried to make the pose simple so that the text could tighly fit around it- with the concentration of the photo on her face and the large hair giving a dark space for the masthead to be placed over.

I wanted the picture in the background of my contents page to be a wide shot which included the models whole body, also being a simple pose so that the text could fit close but also with her back turned, to make a big change from the front cover rather than just a zoom out from her face from the first page to the next.
On the contents page I wanted her outfit to match the colour scheme so that she became part of the page rather than the main image, as this page was more about the articles than the model.

On the other hand, on the double page spread, she was the most important part of the page. I had her dressed in a less promenant colour here so that the background could be coloured instead without clashing as I wanted this page to be lively and knew I would struggle to fill the white space if it was not a colour.
I needed two photos for this page, I knew I wanted one of these to be my model laying down so I could place her above the text as if lying on it, and the other a midshot to focus on her face and beauty; I chose to have her facing the side as this again showed a difference as it was another different pose and view.
I also wanted this page to have a different tone, as the photos I used for the cover and contents were there to make the magazine look fashionable and professional, but this article was to show the model's personality and to fit the text that was about her so I had her smiling and looking more fun than as if pouting.

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