Tuesday 29 November 2011

Analysing Preliminary School Magazine

Although I did try to consider as many technical properties of a real magazine as I could when I was making my magazine, I don't think it looks very proffessional and could be greatly improved.

  (Forms and conventions) The conventions I did try to include are proved by the fact that the name of my magazine is the largest text on the page at the top, that there is varied colours, typeface and fonts in the cover lines to show importance of specific words and articles and that I did use a large photo, which is overlapped by its accompanying caption.
  I beleive that, partly because I did not use the right kind of photo, my magazine cover does not look professional, and that if I had used one that could fill the page and include a subject (such as a specific person), this would have filled the white space which I struggled to fill when designing it with the photo I did use, but most magazines are filled with photo's and images.
  Although on most magazines, a convention is that there are many cover lines inlcuded on the front cover, I think I successfully stuck to the task of "School Magazine" as I think there would be less on a school magazine and probably less stories inside the magazaine too.
  (Social groups) The cover story of my magazine is about a girls' sports team which are taking part in an up-coming important game. I think this would be interesting as it is not expected of girls to participate in competitive physical activities like this as girls are sterotypically expected not to enjoy them. This opposes the image people have of this group and not only provides a story people might want to read, because it's something surprising, but also may change people represtentations of them.

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