Tuesday 22 November 2011


Masthead/name NME sounds like enemy- easy to remember because it's clever, having it as 3 separate letters makes its even clearer and simpler
Keywords "exclusive" make's this magazine sound superior to the others as it has information noone else does- they get and inside look/behind the scenes/closer to the celebrities and their lives/gossip
"new-look" makes people who are interested in fashion interested in what the "new" fashion/clothes are in- keep up to date with the fashion of famous people so they can be more like them/feel more stylish
"win" makes people think that if they read this magazine they have a chance of winning something/a prize
Photo behind head lines- bodie's covered up, faces imporant and cover magazine name as they want to show that the artists are the most important parts of the magazines, faces would be recognised as famous people that look "cool"- may be somebodys idol
The subject's band name is also the headline, so fan's of this band will want to read this magazine about their favourite band- find out about them. Make's this band look important/big so it gives the impression that the magazine is proffessional enough to get to do a story on someone so famous

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