Tuesday 22 November 2011

"Q" Magazine

 Masthead/name Q is a quick and easy thing to say or remember so stays in their minds after seeing/reading it- becomes recognised
Q is an abnormal letter, uncommonly used in the alphabet, makes the magazine sound rare and different

Conventions photo of band member/somebody involved in this genre of music, reviews featured, interviews, many named music artists- concerts and albums. You can tell it's a music magazine on a shelf with other magazines and if you are looking for one then it will be noticable in the stand

Key words  "essential", "must-own", "he's gone sex mad". If seen in a headline, the first two would make you beleive that this magazine is worth buying and maybe better than the rest that you could choose from- persuasive. The word "sex" on the front of a magazine may attract someone's eye as it is naughty/cheeky/a secret- they want to know what the story is about
Band names are also included on the front cover as key words as it will then attract people who are fans of these artists to want to read the magazine and catch up with the gossip related to their favourite idols

Photo the main photo looks menacing/intimidating, as if the person is looking at you out of the page. You may notice this face of a shelf
The hair in the photo has been slightly cut out as it is unimportant to this photo and exaggerates the face being pulled
The torso of the model is included as it shows what he is wearing-fashion, which may also add to the genre of music and therefore show what target audience/style of people this magazine is aimed at

Colours unisex, common music magazine colours (when seen on front cover, automatically linked back to  music- recognisable as music magazine), colours may be considered "punk"- like the music and target audience

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