Tuesday 15 November 2011

Easy Living

Masthead makes it sound like reading this magazine is easy and will make your life "easy living", relaxing, simple
Photo text around central model- showing that because she looks good she overpowers everything else, people want to look this good
This photo is a body shot of the model which focuses mainly on the colours which are gold and beige which give a very elegant and sophisticated look. It also focuses on her face as she looks youthful and therefore people aspire to her
Conventions you can tell what the target audience is for this magazine as all of the articles included involve age, beauty and cosmetics and generally looking good, etc. This is because the age of the target audience is those ladies that are becoming increasingly conscious of looking older and trying to dress/do themselves up to hide this
Key words “look great”, “flattering”, “secrets”, etc. These words make the audience want to find out these “secrets” as they also want to “look great”

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